Coaching for Business
We are living in unprecedented times of change and transition, to survive and thrive, we need to find new ways to think, learn, develop, and grow. Coaching can help you manage the rapid shifts your business needs to make and adapt your approach to work.
Many organisations will be considering ways to pivot and repurpose their business. Whatever the goals or challenges, there will be obstacles to overcome and problems to solve. During times of upheaval and transformation, flexibility, positivity, and creativity are all vital ingredients for success.
Through business coaching, I can help you and your team develop the strengths and skills necessary to keep going, rethink, progress, and rebuild in the post-Corona age.
My commercial know-how draws on a long career in the communications and marketing business, advising corporate and consumer management teams and creating campaigns for blue chip organisations and global brands, as well as start-ups and entrepreneurs. This broad experience in strategic planning, marketing, sales, promotions, and media relations, has given me invaluable knowledge of different industries and their working processes. I steered my clients, and my own business, through more than three decades of boom and bust bubbles.
I Can Help You with:
Clarity of Vision: Getting real. Creating the blueprint and setting single-minded business goals. Establishing new business models. Finding the confidence to take the company forward your own way.
Business and Management Skills: Developing your strategic and creative thinking and sharpening your decision-making. Building a culture of responsibility, positivity, and commitment.
Starting a New Business: Looking at all the options and opportunities. Reality checking. Finding winning strategies right from the get-go. Risk management. Seeking support and best advice.
Untapping Potential: Building confidence and meeting challenges. Getting the most from yourself and your people. Creating strong, resilient, industrious teams.
Generating Ideas: Creative thinking sessions to devise inventive campaigns. Finding Inspiration for pitches and proposals. Launching new products, services, and concepts.
Marketing and Business Plans: Meeting the demands of the new business landscape. Breathing fresh life into the company. Kicking off new enterprises with well-conceived strategies and tactics. Preparing the way for fresh partnerships and collaborations. Investor and stakeholder relationship management.
Building your Brand: Establishing core brand values. Nailing the Mission Statement. Making your Elevator Pitch. Identifying USP’s. Exploring and researching potential clients/customers. Generating endorsements/testimonials.
Working from Home: The new protocols. Creating the right workspace. Structuring your days. Motivation and time management. Handling distractions.
Re-inventing Yourself in Times of Crisis: Adopting new perspectives. Making the most of your strengths. Embracing change. Maintaining positivity and focus. Staying motivated and creative. Digging deep - finding courage and confidence.
Handling Stress: Maintaining work/life balance. Dealing with anxiety. Mental and physical well-being. Finding coping strategies. Staying calm under pressure.
Making a Difference: Focussing on shared purpose. Being open to possibilities. Nurturing people, facilitating learning and development. Being true to your core values and beliefs. Supporting diversity, equality, and inclusion.
Confident Leadership: Managing Life at the Top. Support and feedback for the Chief Executive. Acquiring gravitas and becoming a respected and inspiring role model. Dealing with the impact of mergers, change and fast track developments. Stress management. Working with diversity. Setting boundaries. Handling conflict.
Building resilience: Accepting the new reality of the big issues affecting our daily lives. From pandemics, protests and social movements to global warming and the environment. Learning how to handle your emotions and deal with the personal and economic impact. Maintaining optimism and self-belief. Being pro-active and flexible in business.
Key Ingredients in the Business Coaching Mix include:
Exploration, analysis, reflection, assessment, independent and objective feedback, support, advice, and encouragement.
Completing a SWOT Analysis (Identifying Strengths – Weaknesses – Opportunities – Threats) for you, and your business.
Setting SMART Goals (Specific – Measurable – Attainable – Relevant – Time-based)
Pivoting and Repurposing a Business: Considering your priorities and options. Choices and considerations. Assessing customer demand. Financial planning.
Business Overview: Recession and Recovery. Assessing best and worst-case scenarios. The art of ‘best guessing’ and flexible, inventive planning.
Understanding the New Business Landscape: Reality Mapping. Changing direction. Moving out of your comfort zone. Preparing for future challenges.
Learn and Progress: Access to my extensive library of support materials, work tools, coaching exercises, tailor-made Q&A’s and analyses, reading lists.
Home Alone: How to maximise home-based working - Golden Rules for success
Creative Reinvention: Pivoting and Repurposing your business. Finding new ways to learn, develop and grow.
Exploring Your Philosophy: Examining values and beliefs. Embracing diversity. Global citizenship - Supporting change for the better. Establishing a positive ethos and company culture.
Mentoring Programmes: Tailor-made for Chief Executives, MD’s, Directors, Senior Executives. Sharing knowledge, skills, and experience. Acquiring gravitas and ‘wisdom’. How to set up a Company Mentoring Scheme.